Thank you to everyone who joined us May 3 - 5, 2022 in Virginia Beach at the Hilton Virginia Beach Oceanfront. 

Presentation Links 

Robert Dick: SCS Engineers, Solid Waste Trends: Future Solid Waste & Recycling Industry Trends Panel
SW Trends_Dick_SWANA-VRA_05-2022.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [251.9 KB]
Ryan Duckett, SCS Engineers: Bringing it Back to the People: Composting Experiences and Benefits Gleaned from Recent Implementation Processes
R. Duckett_Decentralized Compost v5-4-22[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [51.2 MB]
Ben Parry, Compost Crew: Distributed Composting: build resiliency and support local food production
Distributed Composting slide deck_VRA SW[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]
Beth Gingold, Lila Baltaxe, Julie Fuentes, Meghann Quinn: Food Waste- What if we Make the Most of Food @ Home – with our co-workers?
VRA 2022 - Gingold-et-al_what-if-we-make[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [45.8 MB]
Alexander Hajek, SCS Engineers: PFAS in Landfills: Emerging Solutions
Conference Presentation_Hajek.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [1.8 MB]
Lindsay Boone, Enthalpy Analytical: A Case Study of PFAS in Wastewater and Landfill Leachate
SWANA VA_Lindsay Boone.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [38.4 MB]
Tony Singh, Department of Health/Jeff Steers, Department of Environmental Quality: MCLs and Legislation
Microsoft Power Point presentation [10.0 MB]
Joel Miller, HDR Engineering, Inc.: Good Neighbors – Case Study Regarding LFG Migration at Adjacent Landfills
Joel Miller LFG Migration_v5.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [5.9 MB]
Jeffrey Murray, HDR Engineering, Inc: Panel Discussion, Dennis Bagley SPSA, Jeremy Garrett RVRA, Joel Miller HDR: Making the Case for LFG to RNG
Jeff Murray Leachate Evaporation.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [7.3 MB]
Loren Kato, Spotsylvania County: Near Misses and Risk Management 101 - Near Misses are Free Warnings
Loren Kato SWANA 2022 - presentation fin[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [9.6 MB]
Kate Vasquez (45 or 60) RRT Design and Construction Recyclable commodity values and how they influence planning, outreach, and education
Vasquez VRA-SWANA presentation 05-05-22.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.9 MB]
Melinda Woodruff: Virginia DEQ Update
2022 VRA + SWANA VA DEQ Regulatory Updat[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [9.3 MB]
Brett Rogers, Republic Services: Electric trucks
Electric Vehicles Presentation - SWANA.p[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [14.6 MB]
Robert Dick, SCS Engineers: Management Challenges Associated with High Moisture Content in Landfills
Mgmt Challenges-High Moisture LFs_Dick_S[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [9.5 MB]
Dennis Bagley, Southeastern Public Service Authority "It's not your grandfathers dump"
VRASWANA 5422 Rev.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [51.4 MB]
Sarah Sterzing, Sarah Sterzing, Morgan Willett, Faith Martin, Fleta Jackson, Keep Norfolk Beautiful: Together yet apart, we gathered, learned, and launched.
SWANA KNB Presentation 5.3.22.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [65.0 MB]
Phil Bresee, MSW Consultants: Contamination/Recycling Behavior Reducing Recyclables Contamination and Improving Recycler Behavior through Recycling Cart Monitoring Programs
Phil Bresee.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [5.8 MB]
Victoria Essex, Lucas Nachman, Matt Einsman, SCS Engineers: Permitting Lessons Learned from Case Studies in Air Permitting, Gas Modeling, GHG Emissions, GCCS Design Plans, and GCCS Liquids Management
Microsoft Power Point presentation [27.4 MB]
Benjamin Allen, ARM Group LLC: Permitting Landfill: RAP MSE berm
RAP MSE Berm Presentation.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [10.6 MB]
Sam Lewis and Guy Chapman, Ingenco: Leachate Evaporation
Microsoft Power Point presentation [4.7 MB]
Jeffrey Murray HDR and Henry Strickland, SPSA (25) Leachate Evaporation - The New and Improved Magic Wand
Jeff Murray Leachate Evaporation.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [7.3 MB]
Ram Natarajan, Heartland Water Technology: On-site Treatment of Leachate Reverse Osmosis Concentrate and innovative commercial approaches to landfill fluid management
Heartland SWANA Presentation - May 2022_[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]
Jennefer Klennert, Eric Forbes, Nathalie Owen (25) HDR, Inc. and Fairfax County: Zero Waste through prevention and elimination: A paradigm shift
Microsoft Power Point presentation [17.7 MB]
Raymond Hoffman (25) Carlson Environmental Consultants, PC: Asphalt Shingle Recycling
Asphalt Shingles 2022.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [86.8 MB]
Jonathan Kiser (25) Kiser Environmental Consulting: Solving the 20-Pound Propane Tank Management Issue
2021 Kiser Environmental Propane Tank Mg[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [3.8 MB]
Andrew Copley, Geosyntec Consultants: Proof is in the Data: Assessing the Need for Ground Improvement
Proof is in the Data - Assessing the Nee[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [2.1 MB]
William Richardson (25) SCS Engineers: Digital Twins
Digital Twins.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [37.7 MB]
Eric Olsen (25) Draper Aden: drone emission detectors for monitoring landfill gases monitoring landfill gases
SWANA Drones in Landfills - Eric Olsen -[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [8.7 MB]
We are going paperless! Download the program prior to arriving to the conference. No print outs will be available, so you can print this file if you need a paper schedule.
2022 VRA +SWANA Presentations with Links[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [700.0 KB]

Hotel Reservations

The host hotel for the conference is the Hilton Virginia Beach Oceanfront,

3001 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA 23451


Hotel Reservations are separate from the conference registration and must be made by April 11, 2022 to receive the discounted group rate. 

City View- $159

Partial Ocean View- $179

Oceanfront- $199


Guests may make their room reservation by either call-in 757-213-3001 and press “1” for in-house reservation department or use the link  with the Group Code (SWA)

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© SWANA Old Dominion Chapter