
Wednesday August 25

Keynote: David Biderman, SWANA National
Region 6 - August 25 2021 v2.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [4.3 MB]
Larry Simonson, Keeping it Safe: 3D Slope Stability: Bunnell-Lammons, 3D tech used to model slope stability
3d Slope Stability Anlysis.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [15.9 MB]

Landfill Solutions

David Green, SCS Engineers- Evaporation as a Leachate Management
DSG Leachate Evap Presentation - SWANA v[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [10.8 MB]
Mike Lawless, Draper Aden, Challenges in siting a greenfield landfill
PPT - SWANA Permitting Presentation - md[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [2.8 MB]
Quinn Albertson and Ken Brenda, SCS Engineers; YP's and new technology for managing LF operations
Landfill Technology Innovations - YPs Im[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [20.9 MB]

Cleaning Up Their Act

Van Burbach, LaBella: Remediation of Liquid Waste Pits
Burbach - ISTD Project - SWANA Aug 2021.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [9.5 MB]
Ken Webb, Transylvania County: Fungsal use on wood chips for degredation and soil nutrition
SWANA 082521, Fungal Use on Wood Chips, [...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [40.7 MB]
Steven Carl, Progressive Environmental Services: Remediation of leachate systems with chemicals
Landfill Chem Clng Pres. SWANA Reg 6 8.2[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [56.8 MB]

Breaking It Down

Ryan Duckett, SCS Engineers: Removing large piles of legacy organics
YWC Stockpile Removal Pres_R. Duckett 8-[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [17.9 MB]
Bernie Osilka: In vessel advanced composting technology
New file download
Debra Darby, Tetra Tech: Planning for organics waste management
SWANA Region 6 August 25, 2021_Darby .pp[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [13.7 MB]

Passing the Test

Andrew Alexander, BLE, Inc: Testing for emerging contaminants
Alexander Varhol R6 SWANA 2021 FINAL.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.0 MB]
Kevin Toth Johnsie Lang, Arcadis, History and Overview of PFA’s in Solid Waste
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFA[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [11.5 MB]
Srikanth Nathella, Draper Aden: PCB minimization plans, testing and reporting
PCB Pollutant Minimization through PMPs [...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [8.5 MB]

Managing New Regulations

David Ryan, Ryan Equipment Sales Company Hard Truth – ET Wells May Need Downhole Steel Pipe
SWANA VA Hardpipe -- Ryan -- 08-23-21.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [3.1 MB]
Lucas Nachman, SCS Engineers: Changes in landfill monitoring regs
Nachman_SWANA Region 6 Presentation.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [1.5 MB]
David Knapp, Thomas A. Bilgri P.E. Tetra Tech: Pros and Cons of LF gas reclamation projects
Adobe Acrobat document [4.5 MB]

Thursday August 26

Recycling and Then Some

Quinn Albertson, SCS: Navigating the market conditions that impact recycling
Lessons of Resilience in Recycling_08262[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [1.7 MB]
Ernie Hoch, Draper Aden: Shifting purchasing patterns, maximizing re-use, etc.
The Future of Solid Waste Recycling.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [13.3 MB]
Brad Kelley, GBB: Integration of mixed waste
SWANA Region 6 MWP Presentation-GBB V1 N[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [4.9 MB]

Landfill Operations

Joe Belmonte, Environmental Construction Solutions: Erosion Control BMPs
2021 Swana region 6-Landfill Erosion Con[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [8.1 MB]
Travis Howell, Withers/Ravenel: Surveying Technology Use
New file download

Getting the Word Out

Sabrina Colon, HDR and Megan O’Reilly: Successfully navigating community involvement in permitting
Navigating EJ-SolidWaste.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.7 MB]
Bob Dick, Train Like an Olympian
Train for Your Solid Waste Career_Dick_S[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [3.0 MB]
Dennis Bagley, SPSA: Who Are You? and What Have You Done for Me Lately?
SPSA Rebrand_Dennis Bagley.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.3 MB]

Global Perspectives

James Law, ISWA Global Perspective: SCS: Bringing public/private/financial inst. Together to close LF
James Law - Global Perspective of ISWA i[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [80.5 MB]
Dennis Bagley, SPSA: Identify what your organization needs before a disaster
SWANA Region 6 From Disaste To Opportuni[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [7.1 MB]

New Beginnings

Jeremy Garrett, RVRA Director: Change from rail to haul at the landfill
Compressed Rail Spur Conversion_8.13.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.9 MB]
Robert Rella, HDR: Change of TS configuration to improve efficiency
Rella_Region 6 Conference.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [19.7 MB]
Ryan Duckett, SCS: Look at facilities and change/consolidate for efficiency
Ontario Co NY Consolidation Study_8-26-2[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [17.3 MB]


William Mason-Deese, Draper Aden: Optimizing post closure care
TPCC Optimization - SWANA Region 6.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [12.3 MB]
John Westerfield, LaBella: Solar farms on closed landfills
SWANA Solar on LF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [9.9 MB]

Friday August 27

Teaching the Old Dog New Tricks

Mike Plummer, HDR: Optimizing LF Operations to extend the life of the facility
Landfill Optimization Presentation_Augus[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [14.9 MB]
Bob Dick, SCS: WTE in Region 6 and neighboring states
WTE State of Practice_Dick_SWANA Region [...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [417.9 KB]
Jeff Murray, HDR: SCADA technology used for leachate monitoring
Leachate SCADA_8.13.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [8.9 MB]

Creating Efficiencies

Robert Gardner, SCS: Creating efficiencies through equip and route balancing
SWANA VA Chapter-Roanoke 2021_Gardner_Co[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [15.1 MB]
Jeff Murray, HDR: Creating improvements to convenience center operations
Reinventing Convenience Site Program_8.1[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [28.3 MB]

Conference Schedule

Download the agenda
Schedule with Speakers for Website.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [271.1 KB]
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